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December 11, 2017

  I’ve been sitting on this blog post for way too long. During wedding season life is pretty hectic and I find it tough to squeeze blogging into the mix, but once the offseason gets underway sometime in May I find myself with more time up my sleeve. Then once the NBA playoffs finish up in […]

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June 1, 2015

chateau tanunda wedding, barossa valley

One of my favourite things about living in the UK for 6 years was the fact they didn’t make much wine there (besides a few novelty vineyards). This meant that all their wine was imported so you could head down to your local supermarket and select from a huge variety of wines from all over […]

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April 12, 2010

chateau tanunda wedding

On Saturday I had the pleasure of shooting the stunning wedding of Leah and Andrew at the incredible Chateau Tanunda in the Barossa Valley. I went to school with Leah but she’s been living in Scotland for many years now, which is where she met Andrew and gave birth to their beautiful daughter Marlee; in […]

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