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August 25, 2016

Adam’s first love was not Bec. It was Eleanor, his 1970 XW Ford Falcon. When he proposed he said there’s one condition about the wedding – “that I get to finish doing up my car so she can be in it!!” True to his word Eleanor was finished for the wedding and Adam and boys […]

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August 18, 2016

  With nearly 200 weddings under my belt it’s not often I come across something I’ve not seen before, but Louise and Ash executed a reception idea that was totally new and super awesome. Fairy lights overhead are pretty commonplace, and rightly so, they look freakin’ awesome and really make the photos sing, but the […]

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August 11, 2016

bird in hand wedding, barrel room

***MORE PHOTOS BELOW *** Q: What happens when you combine The Big Day Out with a time honoured tradition where rings are exchanged and promises made? A: Chloe and Andy’s wedding. It started like any other wedding, a group of guys kicking back acting way too relaxed for such a big occasion. A bunch of girls […]

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August 4, 2016

      When I arrived at Lauren and Bo’s house in Woodville to take photos of the guys getting ready I felt like I had arrived at a villa in Bali. Their backyard had all sorts of relaxed vibes, a sweet pool and exotic plant life that transported you to another time and place. […]

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July 28, 2016

  Sometimes great photos are meticulously planned and sometimes they just happen. If I’m shooting at a new venue I’ll generally do some location scouting to get an idea of what I’m in for but as a rule I don’t like to be too rigid with my planning as a scene can look totally different […]

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July 21, 2016

  I went through a phase earlier this year when a bunch of consecutive weddings had big bridal parties. It was like a video game that got progressively more complicated, each week the boss would be harder and harder to defeat until I reached the final level and was met with Rhiannon and Michael’s 14 […]

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July 14, 2016

Way back on Halloween last year I had the pleasure of photographing a wedding that was a bit different (which I love). I mention Halloween not because it just happened to be on that day but because the whole day had a very halloweeny theme (black cat handbags for the girls, black wedding cake with […]

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July 7, 2016

Groom’s Mum via Facebook: “Hi Simon, Daniel’s mum from Friday’s wedding, thank u for the wonderful photo of my parents dancing, could’ve knocked me over with a feather seeing that, haven’t seen dad up like that in a very long time.” Me: “Hi Tracey, that was a pretty magical moment watching your parents dance, especially […]

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June 24, 2016

SYdney wedding photography

When I received an email from Cassandra in mid 2015 it had the following line: “You were the photographer for a few friends weddings and we have been following your work since. We are from SA but are getting married in Sydney in 2016 (where we live now). We are having a low-key small party […]

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June 9, 2016

Al Ru Farm Wedding

I first encountered Jessica and Mitchell at the wedding of Jessica’s cousin Stuart many years ago. One of my enduring memories of that wedding was two guys executing the most perfect Gangnam Style dance I’d ever seen (I told you it was many years ago – truth be told I miss wedding dance floor Gangnam, […]

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