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July 21, 2016

  I went through a phase earlier this year when a bunch of consecutive weddings had big bridal parties. It was like a video game that got progressively more complicated, each week the boss would be harder and harder to defeat until I reached the final level and was met with Rhiannon and Michael’s 14 […]

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February 12, 2016

Adelaide wedding photographer, adelaide bride, bride of adelaide, wedding, fun

What’s a reasonable time frame to have your “best of X year” slideshow done by? It was never getting done by 31st December, that’s for sure, but I thought I’d be able to pull it together in early January.

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July 29, 2015

It can be a pretty lonely gig as a wedding photographer. Sure, the weddings themselves are ridiculously social and fun, but that’s only 30 or 40 days of the year. The rest of the time is spent behind a keyboard editing photos, designing albums, doing admin and resisting the urge to locate and watch all the cat […]

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January 20, 2015

Any business book will tell you that to stand out from the crowd you need to be doing something different. Zig when everyone else zags. To that end, when the rest of the world was busy putting together their summary of 2014 at the appropriate time (ie the last few days of the year) I […]

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November 10, 2014

Henry is a pretty chilled out dude. When I arrived to take some photos of the guys getting ready at Encounter Bay I discovered there was no groom – Henry was actually down at Middleton. On his surfboard. Out the back. Half an hour later he returned, invigorated, and we got into some photos and […]

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January 13, 2014

I used to be good at blogging. I started the blog back in 2008 and was posting a new entry every couple of weeks, the next year I cranked up the output to nearly 1 post week and I kept up that pace for about 3 years. In 2011 I had 42 posts for the […]

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September 17, 2013

Each year around the country there are literally hundreds of photo competitions, from your local camera club to your school fete right up to big companies running a photo related promotion like this one from Peter Alexander (by the way, don’t even bother entering this, our 19 year old cat Isabelle already has her paws […]

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August 16, 2012

When I was a kid my family moved to Leigh Creek for three years, a small country town about 6 hours north of Adelaide. It was an isolated community where everyone knew everyone, a place where a 5 year old (me) rode his bike home from school all by himself and stayed home alone to […]

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March 22, 2012

Kingsbrook Wedding Photography

Some weddings you just know are going to be fun, this one promised much and delivered in spades. I love shooting country weddings, so when Hayley and Pete told me they were getting married at Kingsbrook at Currency Creek I admit to getting a few butterflies (ok, I didn’t get the butterflies until I went […]

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December 14, 2011

I spent the weekend in Pt Lincoln, here are the top 10 reasons why it is super awesome. 10.  Kangaroos I love kangaroos. Any animal that propels itself by jumping alone is awesome in my books, and Port Lincoln has a lot of them.

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