January 28, 2011

21st Century Digital Boy

FILED IN: Personal

Who would have thought in 1991, when Kurt Cobain was writing Nevermind and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers were penning Blood Sugar Sex Magik, that in just 20 short years the planet would be so dependent on something that no one but a few uber-nerds had ever heard of?

I’m talking about the internet friends.

This omnipresent phenomenon is anywhere you can imagine, it’s free in McDonalds, in our pockets, our refrigerators (actually, scratch that, the internet refrigerator never really took off did it?), our e-books, our work places and our homes. Well, that is unless your name is Simon Bills and a gypsy put a curse on you many years ago resulting in constant struggles to get a simple broadband connection up and running in your place of residence.

I moved in to a new place late last year and have been doing all I can to get connected. Different stories from different companies have me spinning in circles, each offering new and exciting reasons why I can’t get online (too far from the server, no ports left, a pair gain system blocking the line, foxtel never installed cable in the area, wireless coverage doesn’t extend to the area) – for the record I’ve moved 25 minutes from the CBD in a populous suburb, it’s not like I’m in the sticks or anything. I feel like I’m closing in on a solution, and as annoying and painful as it is I’m kind of used to it now (this is my 3rd consecutive house spanning 2 countries I’ve had to jump through hoops).

I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m sorry if I’ve been late in replying to your emails, or updating my blog, or being social on the interwebs, I’m doing the best I can and when things are up and running I’ll be a lot more accessible electronically. To make up for it I’ll be doing 5 blogs in 5 days starting Monday next week so stay tuned, there’s plenty of good stuff in the offing!

And because blogs are more fun with photos here’s one to celebrate Australia day from the Compass Cup – it doesn’t get more Australian than the country.


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