January 31, 2011

Three days in Kuala Lumpur

FILED IN: Personal, Travel

Roll up, roll up! What you’re about to see will make your eyes bulge out of your head! That’s right folks, over the next 5 days you will be getting not one, not two, not even four, but FIVE whole blog entries!

Due to a number of circumstances I’ve been taking plenty of photos lately but haven’t had a chance to blog them – I guess the biggest circumstance is the lack of internet connection I talked about last week, but that should be sorted any day now. I’m not sure what order to do these posts in, I suppose it doesn’t really matter, but I think I’ll stick to good old chronological, you can’t go wrong with that (I did consider going reverse chronological but decided the Internet wasn’t ready for that just yet).

Q. What do you get if you cross a cute animal and an Asian city?
A. Koala Lumpur. Boom boom.

That’s right, this is the sort of thing that goes on inside my head, it’s alright for you, you can choose to stop reading at any time, I have to live with this relentless terrible pun generating engine 24/7 and when I was taking the bus from the airport in Kuala Lumpur I thought this was just about the funniest thing I’d thought of. The airport is about 75 minutes by bus from KL Central so it’s a long way, I always love arriving in big cities with famous buildings by road, it reminds me of driving into New York City in 1998 and spotting the Empire State Building and Twin Towers was miles away on the horizon, there’s a giddy thrill that goes along with spotting a well known landmark for the first time. The KL landmark on my agenda this was round was the Petronas Tower, a set of twin towers that were the world’s tallest buildings from 1998 to 2004 standing at 452 metres. It turned out to be pretty tricky to actually get up in the towers when I attempted several days later so I put it all in the too hard basket.

I had 3 days in KL after shooting a wedding in Borneo and I basically spent my days pottering around being a tourist. I didn’t venture too far off the beaten track but I managed to get a decent feel for place, although I felt like it was a city of a thousand hidden gems that you’d need a local to show you. Anyway, here’s some impressions I got of the place.

Those crazy Malaysian pharmacies!

Sorry for photos are a bit smaller than usual, I promise they’ll be bigger as the week goes on!



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