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September 13, 2011

Here’s the thing. When you see friends’ travel photos, or pictures in tourism brochures, or documentaries on TV about remote tribes living off the land in third world countries it’s hard to believe that they actually exist. I mean, in 2011 are there actually more than a handful of people who live in mud huts? […]

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August 31, 2011

A few weeks ago I blogged about falling into an unexpected teaching position at a Ugandan primary school. I finished that email with a promise that my next blog would be about a project we undertook that the kids absolutely loved and would remember for the rest of their lives. I then proceeded to write […]

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February 1, 2011

Right, let’s do this thing, day 2 of my 5 posts in 5 days and I’m bang on track. On my 2nd day in KL I spent half a day pottering round the world’s largest undercover bird sanctuary which was pretty different to anything I’d done before. Where I live in Adelaide backs onto Linear […]

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January 12, 2011

boreo wedding photo, kapalai wedding, malaysia

When I left the salubrious Kapalai resort in Borneo last year my thoughts were along the lines of that place was incredible, a truly once in a lifetime experience, little did I know that just four months later I’d be back to shoot a wedding! Kapalai is kind of like a cross between Kevin Costner’s […]

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November 30, 2010

bird in hand wedding party

We’d all been watching the weather all week. You’d think that arranging your outdoor wedding one week before summer in the driest state of the driest continent on earth would guarantee a rain free day, but weddings never go to plan and everyone was on tenterhooks….. although it certainly didn’t feel like it when I […]

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November 3, 2010

I caught up with a good friend last night who I’d not seen in a while. He asked me how my trip was and I really didn’t know what to say, at first I didn’t know what he was talking about! I soon figured out he was talking about Borneo, you know, that place I […]

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August 9, 2010

Just a quick blog post this week, partly because my weekend consisted of installing catflaps and other manly pursuits rather than taking photos…..

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May 14, 2010

It’s frightening where things end up once you put them out there on the World Wide Web. Keen followers of my blog will surely remember this particularly amazing entry in April last year. Long story short I didn’t have much to do over Easter so I put my effort into completing a particularly excellent paint […]

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January 18, 2010

Those of you in Adelaide will be well aware of what’s happening at the moment, and let’s face it, you’ve probably had just about enough Lance-mania for the decade, but those overseas might be impressed to learn that Adelaide is currently hosting the Tour Down Under which features none other than global sporting icon Lance […]

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November 22, 2009

Yesterday I was under the pump. Most people I shoot have a passing interest in photography at best, they know what they like but don’t know their f stops from their ISO – which is brilliant! You see, when people aren’t heavily into something they’re easier to impress, a nice bokeh (blurry creamy dreamy background) […]

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