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December 15, 2011

Adelaide wedding photography

It’s always exciting to watch your friends get married, and when you get to be the photographer things are even more fun (albeit a lot more hard work!). Claire and Dan were rolling the dice on their location choice for the ceremony. Inclement weather would have meant a total venue relocation, a logistical nightmare on […]

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November 7, 2011

Bridgewater Mill wedding photography

Jess and Mark are two of the most organised people you’re likely to come across, a wedding photographer’s dream in fact. The day was meticulously planned, down the minute, so when Jess arrived at the church to the news that the organist was no where to be found there were a few nervous moments. The […]

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June 15, 2011

east parklands wedding adelaide, east end

One of the things I love most about shooting weddings is getting an insight into how different cultures celebrate the marriage of two people. When I met Sandra and David the bride-to-be warned me “this probably won’t be like the kind of wedding you normally shoot” which was all I needed to hear – I […]

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May 14, 2011

There’s nothing like the enthusiasm of youth. Within moments of arriving at Mike’s house on the morning of the wedding I knew this was going to be a super fun day, the banter between Mike and his 4 groomsmen was top shelf and I instantly felt like one of the gang (albeit the elder statesman […]

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May 10, 2011

adelaide botanic gardens wedding

Stephen and his best man Robin met when they were 6 years old. As neighbours in Athelstone their friendship was based on riding bikes around the streets and the vacant block of land that is now a petrol station. 27 years later, at 7 in the morning, we returned to the streets of Athelstone to […]

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April 11, 2011

Carrick Hill wedding photo

When I shoot a wedding there’s normally a pretty big contrast between the respective houses where the bride and groom are getting ready. The guys’ place is generally pretty relaxed, just a few dudes kicking back and ironing shirts; whereas the bride’s house is a hotbed of hair and make-up, cars arriving, flowers being delivered, […]

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March 1, 2011

Glenelg wedding party

On Saturday I had the pleasure of documenting the wedding day of Emma and Scott, a couple of basketball lovers who also love combi-vans. And each other. As luck would have it Scott was actually my team mate on the first basketball team I ever played for – I was 9 years old and he […]

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February 22, 2011

Adelaide sailing club wedding

As Rob’s giant hand engulfed mine to bid me farewell on Sunday night I felt that I’d been part of something special. The stunning day ran as perfectly as a wedding can, but less than 3 weeks earlier things weren’t looking quite as promising. Rob (a Canadian) met Laura (an Adelaidean) at a hostel in […]

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October 13, 2010

adelaide wedding

On the weekend I had the distinct pleasure of shooting the wedding of Alexis and Jeffrey, a lovely Malaysian couple who now call Australia home. I first met them in the lead up to my Borneo trip (Malaysia is one of the three countries that make up Borneo) so they were able to offer some […]

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January 1, 2010

I’ve recently had the pleasure of attending 2 weddings (on consecutive Wednesday’s no less) as a guest rather than photographer. I like it. Sue and Luke were married on a 41 degree day down by the beach on December 23, I left my big camera at home and only took a handful of shots on […]

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