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May 31, 2009


Has the world turned upside down? If Nadal being bundled out of the French in the 4th round to a Swede, a Swede(!), wasn’t weird enough London has just reeled off her second successive sunny weekend. Insanity. I decided to head out to Hampstead Heath for a picnic with Bec and Danny, but our plans […]

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May 26, 2009


It’s been a good day. I’ve just secured another wedding booking, 4 weddings in 5 weeks in June / July will keep me busy, I’ve passed my life in the UK test – the first step to British citizenship, I’m enjoying a tasty Jacob’s Creek Shiraz and the Flight of the Conchords is on in […]

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May 23, 2009


After devouring an entire box of savoury shapes for dinner, a rare treat in London, I was left wonder how best to spend the rest of my Friday night. I was beginning to tire of *cough* 27 Dresses, I mean, as far as predictable rom coms go this was arguably the most predictable (but such […]

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May 10, 2009


I met Chona and Rich at a house party of a mutual friend Jenny. They’d recently become engaged and were on the look out for a wedding photographer, and as luck would have it they’d already seen some photos from Wimbledon I’d put on Facebook after Jenny had left a comment. I was introduced to […]

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April 14, 2009


IN just 15 hours I’ll be climbing aboard a giant cigar and flying to the other side of the world. Unlike most people I like nothing more than a good long haul flight, 24 hours of sitting in a comfy seat with a host of entertainment options available and someone who brings you food and […]

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April 10, 2009


Once upon a time birthdays were filled with wonderment, sleepless nights in the lead up, cakes shaped like cats and cricket pitches (pretty sure Mum baked both of these in my younger years – is that right Mum?), fairly bread, parties and PRESENTS. Presents from parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, brothers, friends, you name it.

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April 5, 2009


I’ve been in this photography game for a while now, but up to this point all my work has been shot using available light or on camera flash (with a few brief experiments with taking my flashgun off camera with a 2 foot extension cord.) So it was with great excitement that I ran to […]

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March 31, 2009


On Saturday I headed out with my friends Shane and Siobhan for what is to be our last Shoot Experience experience. Regulars to this blog may recall several previous posts that involved much gloating and photos of winners badges, this time round you will find neither of those things, just a giant bunch of sour […]

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March 25, 2009

With daylight savings just 4 short days away this is the last week for any Londoners wanting to leave work at 5:30, grab their tripods and walk straight out into the glorious light of the magic hour (with plenty of time to find your spot and get everything ready). As of next week the ideal […]

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March 22, 2009


I’ll start by saying I’ve spent more time in London’s west end than usual this weekend. On Friday night I headed in to see the movie Franklyn which I spoke about in my last blog, you remember, the one that was filmed on my street? It’s fair to say it was an unusual movie, I […]

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