October 16, 2024

Paracombe Premium Perry Wedding // Aimee and Scott

I’ve been shooting weddings in and around Adelaide for nearly 15 years, and until now, a Paracombe Premium Perry wedding hadn’t come my way. If I’m honest, I’d never even really heard of this hidden gem. What a treat it was to discover this delightful pear farm was also a photographer’s paradise, with trees in the right places for the afternoon sun, plenty of shade, spectacular views and rows of pear trees, plus some incredible pizzas, sliders and drinks to wash it down.

It was great to work alongside the wonderful Karen Lynch, whose wedding I shot last year. She injected her usual warmth and humour into proceedings and even managed to finagle multiple jokes about Aimee’s recently broken arm into proceedings 😂

Wedding ring with date engraved.
Groom giving thumbs up at Paracombe Premium Perry.
Just married at a Paracombe Premium Perry wedding.
Bride and groom among the pear trees at their Paracombe Premium Perry wedding.

Paracombe Premium Perry Wedding Slideshow

Q & A

Tell me about your The Beginning!

We met online but discovered our kids played basketball at the same club and had seen each other around! Adelaide is very small 🙂 we had a coffee date and then quickly found ourselves finding reasons and time to have a lot of coffee! One of our first proper dates is where we are getting married – paracome Premium Perry!

When and where did you get engaged?

Fiji! He has organised a romantic dinner out on a secluded jetty but there had been a typhoon and the tides were crazy so we had to move it within the hotel (which was still lovely). I said I needed to go to the toilet when he started rambling and then popped the question !! (And I still needed to go to the toilet after the excitement!!)

What style/theme have you chosen for your Wedding Day?

Super chilled. Ie…no theme!

What are you most looking forward to on the day?

Watching Macey walk down the aisle towards Scott! She is so loved and adored by all of us! Seeing his face when he sees all of his girls (including me!). Having a fun night with our closest family and friends

Top Tips!

Plan the big things first then the smaller things will fall into place!

Loads of photos from a Paracombe Premium Perry wedding!


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