March 15, 2011

Terrifying Garden Creatures

FILED IN: Personal

Avid readers of my blog will know that I don’t particularly love spiders. Around this time last year I was fending off huntsmen and euthanising rebacks at my place in Firle, I’ve since moved to Athelstone and this past weekend saw me return to my redback slaughtering ways. After smiting two of these fearsome creatures I was faced with something even more terrifying than a spider.

It was a bug of some description.

Yeah, I know, a bug doesn’t sound scary, but imagine if that bug was dragging around the corpse of a giant death-spider (it’s a new breed I just invented) like some sort of morbid trophy.

Then imagine if that bug was a combination of striking orange and ink black that screamed I’M DEADLY SO WATCH YOUR BACK. Is that starting to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up? Yeah me too.

Also, it can fly.

Obviously a story like this is the stuff of make believe without photographic evidence, so without further delay I present the world’s deadliest garden bug.

All scaremongering and fox-news style sensationalism aside, does anyone know what this actually is? I’m thinking perhaps a wasp? It flies like a wasp but it was BIG, certainly bigger than a conventional European wasp. Has anyone ever seen this before?



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