February 15, 2011

Happy Days

The year was 2007. I was in the lounge room of my Tabernacle St flat in London when I heard the noise. It was a noise that hard drives aren’t supposed to make and the next thing I knew my computer wasn’t recognising the device. I tried everything, I called in an expert, I scoured the interwebs but it was no use, my hard drive had crashed and I’d lost pretty much all my photos from 2004 to 2006, all my photos from 4 months in a Canadian ski resort, all my photos from 18 months in Edinburgh along with every trip I’d taken during that time (Ireland, Greece, Prague, Austria, France, Loch Lomond, Blackpool and Egypt in happier times). I learned an extremely valuable lesson that day and my back up system is pretty bullet proof these days, but I learned it the hard way.

I’m currently in the process of sorting out my office. A man learns a lot about himself when he’s left to his own devices and what I’ve learned is that I have a propensity to do the important tasks but find every way imaginable to procrastinate on the those that are less pressing. For instance, 12 months ago I purchased a 224 disc DVD wallet with a view to downsizing the masses of CDs and DVDs I’ve got clogging up space, and for 12 months this DVD wallet remained unfilled while I lugged boxes of CD from house to house. Well last week I made a stand, the time had come to sort through all my discs, even those unlabeled burnt discs, and I’m glad I did.

In the long lost recesses of seldom opened CD cases I discovered a cache of discs which contained, you guessed it, back ups of all the lost photos from the great hard drive crash of 2007! I was ecstatic, over the next few days I had the perfect excuse to procrastinate the hell out of whatever it was I was meant to be doing and just flicked through thousands upon thousands of memories from my past. I also found a collection I put together in April 2004 which was my favourite 20 images from the last 12 months round the world trip.

So here we go, let’s see what 3 mega-pixels of 2003 Pentax technology can produce!

Singapore by night.
Hong Kong by night.
Me diving into the clear blue water around Koh Phi Phi in Thailand.
Andy living large in Tokyo.
Barcelona Bocce.
Barcelona busker.
San Sebastian sunset.
Nun on a direct line to God in Rome.
Some kids playing street soccer in Rio.
Me being totally outclassed by my 8 year old sponsor child in Fortaleza, Brazil.
Cable car from Sugar Loaf Mountain in Rio. Bond fans will recognise this one from Moonraker, if I’m not much mistaken Jaws took a bite out one of the cables which almost lead to James’ demise. Almost.
Jesus. Times 2.
The most beautiful place on earth, Torres Del Paine National Park in Chille.
Machu Picchu sunrise, Peru.
The open road, Arizona, USA.
Zion National Park, Utah, USA.
Monument Valley, Utah, USA.
Me teaching Fernie Alpine Resort a lesson in snowboarding fundamentals (over the course of the season the mountain taught me plenty of lessons).
Waimea Bay yoga, Hawaii.

The more observant among you will notice that this top 20 list only contains 19 photos. I guess I was better at backing up files to disk in 2006 than I was at counting to 20.

Which one is your favourite?


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